bullet with butterfly wings au

in which max, miranda, inés, roberto, and luisa have several encounters with a Feral Teenager (affectionate)

cunk on mallorca au

in which philomena cunk is miranda's cousin

england au

in which max, miranda, inés, roberto, and luisa go to england for teambuilding, but end up getting stuck there when the first covid lockdown happens

golden voice au

in which a famous singer is secretly Evil and intent on irritating / taunting miranda

harper au

in which max and miranda get paired up with a trainee

harry potter au

in which max, miranda, roberto, and luisa are students at hogwarts, and inés is a professor

nessie au

in which miranda has an adopted daughter

powers au

in which all the characters have magic powers

wintake childhood friends au

in which max and miranda grew up together

zephyr au

in which miranda has an abusive partner